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Congratulations you now know what you didn't know!

The State just changed the rules 1/1/23. (made it more unfair)


1. You have 21 Days from when you got issued the Stop Work Order to submit ALL the documents they want in order to get a 25% discount off your penalty. (very few ever do get it)


2. In order to go back to work you have to pay a $1000 deposit on your penalty. That right it is just the beginning of your penalty...Not the END.  If you got a "Site Specific" Stop Work Order and you are not on that site you don't have to pay the deposit to work on other sites.


3. Only give the documents that are on the "Request for Production of Business Records for Penalty Assessment Calculation" That is the ONLY document that was served on your requesting records.  It is up to 97 different records types in 14 record categories.


4. Never Give the State paper records. Always email digital records copy the investigator and yourself so you have proof they were submitted.  If not they will say they didn't get them and DENY you your discount.


5. You dont EVER have to go to their office.  There is no LAW or RULE that says you have to go there for anything. It is only for THEIR convenience


6. Always communication via EMAIL (they don't have texting) so there is proof of what is said.  If they call you (they will not if we are helping you) then let it go to voicemail.  Listen to the message and email the person back.  Phone conversations are proof of nothing.


7. The most crucial days are days 14-21 AFTER your Stop Work Order.   This is the best chance you have to REDUCE or ELIMINATE your penalty.


8. We will walk you through the next 8 months of what they are going to do with your case.  This is a FREE service so just call.


9. We have seen thousands of these cases and have information that will help you reduce the damage AND make sure this doesn't happen EVER again.


10. Stress is NOT GOOD! Get all your questions answered for FREE so you ELIMINATE your stress!

we are only a phone call away

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